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"칼라카타 쿼츠"는 인기가 높고 고급스러운 천연석인 칼라카타 대리석의 외관을 모방한 엔지니어링 쿼츠의 일종입니다. 칼라카타 대리석은 흰색 바탕에 굵고 뚜렷한 금색 또는 회색의 선이 특징인 대담하고 드라마틱한 정맥으로 유명합니다. 칼라카타 석영은 흰색 또는 밝은 색상의 바탕에 눈에 띄고 눈에 띄며 일반적으로 회색 또는 금색의 정맥이 특징입니다. 결은 대담하고 드라마틱한 경향이 있으며 천연 칼라카타 대리석에서 볼 수 있는 독특한 패턴과 비슷합니다. 다른 석영 조리대와 마찬가지로 칼라카타 석영은 내구성이 뛰어나고 다공성이 없으며 최소한의 유지 관리만 필요합니다. 얼룩, 긁힘, 열에 대한 저항력이 뛰어나 주방, 욕실 및 기타 공간의 다양한 용도에 적합합니다.


최근 게시물

연락처 정보

86360 칼라카타 자라 골드 쿼츠

86360 칼라카타 자라 골드 쿼츠

Calacatta Zara Gold Quartz is a luxurious engineered stone renowned for its stunning appearance and durability.

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86346 석회화 석영

86346 석회화 석영

Travertine Quartz is an engineered stone that emulates the appearance of natural travertine, offering a beautiful and durable alternative for various applications.

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86345 비앙코 라파엘로 석영

86345 비앙코 라파엘로 석영

Bianco Raffaelo Quartz is an engineered stone, a type of quartz surface, designed to emulate the look of natural marble. It belongs to the Quartz collection and is revered for its striking resemblance to the luxurious Bianco Raffaelo marble. This engineered stone combines the timeless elegance of marble with the durability and ease of maintenance of quartz.

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86316 칼라카타 링컨 퀀텀 쿼츠

86316 칼라카타 링컨 퀀텀 쿼츠

Calacatta Lincoln Quantum Quartz is an engineered stone, a type of quartz surface, that emulates the appearance of natural Calacatta marble. It belongs to the Quantum Quartz collection, which offers a wide range of high-quality quartz surfaces. Calacatta Lincoln is specifically designed to resemble Calacatta marble, with its striking veining and luxurious appearance.

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6387 칼라카타 바이칼 쿼츠

6387 칼라카타 바이칼 쿼츠

Calacatta Baikal Quartz is a type of quartz surface that mimics the appearance of Calacatta marble with its white base and prominent gold veining. Quartz surfaces like Calacatta Baikal Quartz are engineered stone products made from a combination of crushed natural quartz and resin. They are popular for countertops, backsplashes, and other surfaces in kitchens and bathrooms due to their durability, low maintenance, and wide range of available colors and patterns.

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86356 드라마 화이트 쿼츠

86356 드라마 화이트 쿼츠

Drama White Quartz is a specific type of quartz stone characterized by its dramatic appearance, featuring a predominantly white color with striking patterns or inclusions. It is popular for use in countertops, flooring, or decorative purposes due to its unique and eye-catching aesthetic.

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86349 엘리시안 쿼츠

86349 엘리시안 쿼츠

Elysian Quartz is a brand or product line of engineered quartz surfaces. engineered quartz surfaces like Elysian Quartz are composed of natural quartz crystals combined with resins and pigments to create a durable and versatile material suitable for a variety of interior applications.

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86348 불가리 골드 쿼츠

86348 불가리 골드 쿼츠

Bulgari Gold Quartz is a type of engineered quartz surface offered by the brand Bulgari. While Bulgari is more commonly known for its luxury jewelry and watches, it’s possible that they may also offer home decor or interior design products, including quartz surfaces.

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86329 프리모 화이트 쿼츠

86329 프리모 화이트 쿼츠

Primo White Quartz is a type of engineered quartz surface used primarily for countertops, backsplashes, and other interior design applications. It’s made by combining natural quartz crystals with resins and pigments, resulting in a durable and low-maintenance material.

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